If you have more than one Playstation Network account, make sure you sign in to the correct Playstation Network account that you play Bless Unleashed on.Bless Unleashed, the Korean MMORPG, is about to swing onto Playstation 4 and we’ve got a ton of Bless Unleashed PS4 Beta keys for you to loot. Ultimately, Bless Unleashed is a very solid MMORPG with a fun and engaging combat system, an interesting world to explore, and a high degree of accessibility for players due to its free-to-play availability on consoles.

These unique skills are locked behind story progression at first. Join the PS4 beta by clicking the Bless Unleashed link below.On top of this, the latest Bless Pass Season, Dream Harvest, begins today! If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. In addition to this, according to the BusinessKorea website, Bless Unleash would be releasing to PS4 this Fall, Q3 2020. Bless Unleashed is an upcoming free-to-play MMORPG for the Xbox One.Before doing anything, you must first find your way into the following directory on your PC: \Steam\steamapps\common\Bless Unleashed\Bless\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\.