
Saint row 2 gameplay
Saint row 2 gameplay

If your gang wins Deathmatch, you'll gain small territory as part of a bigger region in this particular lobby. So you can drive around the map and then get a pop up from the game that invites you and the rest of the players to participate in Deathmatch.

  • Multiplayer will be 32 player freeroam gang warfare with activities like Deathmatch activating dynamically in the world.
  • 4 Player co-op, with difficulty scaling to number of players.
  • saint row 2 gameplay

    You can put on different scopes and camos and switch between ammo types.

    saint row 2 gameplay

  • Weapon customization isn't linear anymore like it was in Saints Row 4.
  • Nice to see the real next-gen addition make its way in.)
  • Dick censorship is changed and this time, it's a black bar that has swinging physics (note from me: Volition actually wanted to do this with SR3 but couldn't because of coding issues and time constraints.
  • Sliders are there for each body part this time, so you can go all the way in creating weird monstrosities.
  • You can wear clothing pieces in multiple ways.
  • Character customization is similar to Saints Row 2.
  • Old Saints never cared about hurting innocent people which pays a big role in building the Saints as this evil gang. Extreme versions of their SR3 selves basically.
  • Game has a thing going on where it feels like you're seeing the old Saints from the perspective of an average NPC.
  • Tone is a middle ground between 1, 2 and 3.
  • It has way more countryside and new islands.
  • The game is set in modern Stilwater (the OG city from 1 & 2), but it's been massively expanded.
  • The old boss (player character from previous games) now wears a cool looking mask that makes their voice muffled and tactical body armor, so their look is open to interpretation.
  • All the old Saints are there except Gat who is kept dead, which is mentioned as part of the reason why the Saints became soulless corporate bullies.
  • For example, you can ally with a gang to go against the Saints. There are some story related choices you can make. One of them was a motorcycle gang called the Wolf pack. Main antagonists are old Saints, but also other gangs. You are playing as a new protagonist with a new cast to support you as you go against the old Saints cast.
  • The plot is about how the Saints become an evil corporate empire similar to Ultor.
  • saint row 2 gameplay

    Saints Row 4 and Gat Out of Hell got retconned as a crazy in-universe TV show. Koch Media said it's getting officially unveiled this year so I wouldn't be surprised if it shows at the PS5 Showcase in a few days. It's a very particular game to make a fake leak over. Most people don't even know that SRV has been announced and in active development for two-three years now. This all sounds pretty plausible and detailed which is why I'm posting. 4chan, anonymous leaker, grain of salt, yada yada yada.

    Saint row 2 gameplay